He favored that formula again this year, and led by his new appointees, the board complied.
He says he will send an emissary from his office to help the local board comply.
The board, with three new Giuliani appointees, complied and accepted those numbers.
Ultimately, the board of directors complied and fired Jerry, as well as his management team in August 2001.
If the board does not comply with that request, he said, the shareholders can vote to elect a board that will.
The board complied with those requests, but the dissent at the Monday meeting made it appear that final approval was not certain.
This assumes that the board has complied with Internal Revenue Service guidelines.
And she seemed quite adamant that her board would not automatically comply with the Mayor's wishes.
He said he would dispatch an emissary from his office to help the board comply.
The board did not comply, which raises questions about how smooth the board's relations with City Hall may be.