Similarly, the board can also charge a move-in/move-out fee and deposit.
Is there a limit to what the board can charge or any requirement that money acquired be used to maintain and improve the buildings?
This average is based on the interest rate the board is charging the banks that come under its jurisdiction.
The board charged a fee for the approval service.
"An' if you charge me board, I'll charge you interest for the money I've stuck into this shebang."
The board also charged a new 15-member panel with working out the details of a new reorganization.
For the last four years the board has been charging a fee for maintenance, an ongoing assessment and an additional fuel assessment.
The board is now charging me for legal fees in the amount of $4,649.69.
The board appointed one of its own members, Jennifer Bastress as executive director and charged her with rebuilding the organization.
The board is now charging the church 20 percent of the total water usage.