The board chairperson is Kari Skår Sørheim, who won a vote against Kjell Erfjord in 2008 and was reelected in 2011.
The Rices' son, Michael, succeeded F.X. as company president, while Arlene Utz Rice remained as the company's board chairperson.
This was in preparation for a parents' meeting at Taft H.S. at which he would represent the board chairperson.
Towns are governed by Town Boards, with the board chairperson at its head.
Sheryl Dawson is the current board CEO, with Peter De Luca as board chairperson.
He was elected to the Brown County Board of Supervisors from 1958; he served as board chairperson from 1962 to 1970.
What proponents claim is that an independent board chairperson will raise issues that an internal board chairperson may not raise.
He established the Japanese Society of Health and Behavior Sciences in 2002, becoming the board chairperson of the society.
He currently serves as board chairperson of the Institute for Policy Studies.