She has a rather blurry memory of the proceedings.
Her color was neutral green once again, and all the sensations of the past ten days were a dim and blurry memory.
As long as you know what to look for, you can be sure that you won't be left with blurry memories of 2008 at least.
And out of the blurry memories of the night before came the sight of the thief's face, just after he'd opened those amazing silver-gray eyes.
Her marriage vows became a blurry memory.
He had a blurry memory of Kyre speaking some spell that included his wife's name.
In truth, his companions were becoming a blurry memory to him already.
Veterans of Plimpton parties say that over the years, the affairs began to blend together into a seamless if blurry memory.
Nausea rose in his throat as his mind skipped over huge voids and blurry memories.
She was Vulcan, Teska told herself, even if her homeworld was nothing but a blurry memory.