Bluntly honest himself, there was no thought of temporizing even for an instant.
And the hard and bluntly honest truth was that life hadn't been so wonderful back then.
"Absolutely none, to be bluntly honest," Hendrickson said, without embarrassment.
The thing about Smitty was, he was bluntly honest.
She recoiled a little at his candor, and then realized he wasn't being crude, just bluntly honest.
Best to be bluntly honest and implacable.
In fact, to be bluntly honest, they looked like a tradesman's clothes, and not even the right size.
Haducek, by contrast, had a grip like a wrestler and a strong, intelligent, bluntly honest face.
Could you be anything but bluntly honest with a wide-awake human being?
The manager's appraisal was hypothetical, but bluntly honest.