This blunt remark didn't seem as astonishing after watching all these pictures.
It was a typically blunt remark, delivered between pauses and sighs.
Mr. Lott's comments were the first blunt remarks from a committee member about a possible course of action by the panel.
NOR should the seller take offense at some unusually blunt remarks about the condition of the house.
In his bluntest remark, the president said religious charities that accepted federal money were not allowed to discriminate against people of other faiths.
Dave was accustomed to her blunt remarks and grinned.
Mr. Lott's public fall was followed by a series of blunt remarks befitting a man who felt he had little to lose.
I could count on him to make some blunt and inappropriate remark anywhere.
Then, a few quick and blunt remarks: elections yes, because that is better than no elections, as long as they are well prepared.
For Bulgaria, these were unusually blunt remarks before an official body.