"I'd really like to have your blunt opinion."
I always appreciated blunt opinions, and this was no exception.
Such blunt opinions have been Rojas's trademark since he began his career with the free-market Liberal Party.
Speaking as a former prosecutor, he offered the most blunt opinion of the day on the perjury article: "Get out of here."
He is considered controversial within rugby league fan circles for his blunt opinions about the playing and administration of the game.
His blunt opinions made him unpopular.
He is a restless traveler and a man of many languages and blunt opinions.
Mr. Pataki's lawyers argued that such communications needed to remain private so the governor could be given "candid, objective and even blunt or harsh opinions."
Known for his blunt opinions, Auerbach became coach of the team in 1950, general manager in 1966 and later took over as president with a diminished role.
They had rough hands and were sunburned, and brought a more down-to-earth attitude and blunter opinions.