He leads a band that plays blues-based hard rock but also includes an accordion for occasional hints of Mexico's norteno music.
Some of the early first wave of punk was very blues-based rock 'n' roll, but it had this urban snottiness to it.
Younger's New Christs was more oriented towards hard-edged, blues-based rock and roll.
They were known as a "boogie band "performing blues-based hard driving rock.
Only (1993) is primarily blues-based hard rock, although folk and pop influences are still audible.
Peverett was an avid fan of the blues and of blues-based rock and roll, and mastered these forms while performing.
Far from having tamed Aerosmith's music, sobriety has given the band's blues-based rock a sharper edge and a higher energy level.
His style eventually became a fusion of blues-based rock with European classical sensibilities.
Originally entitled North Winds, the album leans more towards blues-based rock.
It features very fast-paced, rhythm & blues-based rock 'n' roll with high levels of distortion in the guitar and, in some cases, the bass.