Dorsey, a reformed blues pianist who called himself Georgia Tom, was a pivotal figure in gospel's development.
She was a good blues pianist but did not tell her son this.
"School Days" was also covered by blues pianist and vocalist Ann Rabson.
Before he started school, he had learned to play the piano and was particularly inspired by the work of Afro-American blues pianists.
Other influences were likely the local blues pianists playing at "house" or "rent" parties, which were common community fund-raisers of that era.
He toured Europe with Broonzy in 1952, the first blues pianist to do so.
Earlier in his life he was a leading blues pianist known as Georgia Tom.
The young blues pianist moved to Chicago in 1919 in the Great Migration.
She also performed at the ceremony alongside acclaimed blues pianist, David Maxwell.
A formidable boogie and blues pianist with a lovabl...