I like thinking with a cigarette in my hand, and I'd done enough cussing at myself without a blue-gray cloud around to emphasize the points.
A thick roll of blue-gray cloud hung over it.
For a minute they were silent, lighters flaring briefly and blue-gray clouds trailing in the airflow to the ceiling vents.
Jehu looked away to the far north, where there was a thin bank of blue-gray clouds.
Yacoubian belched out pseudo-smoke, which imitated the real thing very well, rising above his head in a billowing blue-gray cloud.
But by the time the Pope ascended, the altar, a murky blue-gray cloud covering rolled in, spattering rain.
Voukelitch thought aloud through a blue-gray cloud of exhaled smoke.
A streak of gold appeared above a cluster of blue-gray clouds on the horizon.
At that moment the sun slipped out from behind a bank of blue-gray clouds and bathed them both with a golden light.
The sun, breaking through layers of blue-gray cloud, shimmered on the water like gold dust strewn in the shallows.