Safety Favored Over Yield Yesterday's flight to quality was felt outside the blue-chip sector.
The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 34.44 points, to 2,516.64, as the market's blue-chip sector continued to bear the brunt of the recent selling frenzy.
In the blue-chip sector, American Telephone and Telegraph rose 3/8, to 28, and Sears, Roebuck gained 3/8, to 39 7/8.
Also worrying analysts is the fact that the market's decline has broadened past the blue-chip sector.
He said that this trend was forming a base for a new selective bull market in the upper-tier and blue-chip sector.
In August, when the blue-chip sector of the market was topping out, the shares traded as high as $38.625.
Founded in 1992 the company specialises in brand consultancy and visual identity systems, focusing on work for the not-for-profit, education, cultural and blue-chip sectors.
The broader market yesterday was noticeably weaker than the blue-chip sector.
Oil stocks helped bolster the blue-chip sector after the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries increased the output quotas of its members.
In the blue-chip sector, movement was only fractional.