The sky turned into a clear blue vault above us, a few scudding clouds high overhead.
He turned to watch the stars come out one by one in the vast blue vault of the heavens.
Sophie stayed awake, looking at the sky, a wide blue vault without a single cloud.
When he had been swallowed up by the blue vault of the sky, they went indoors to hold counsel.
The sun was climbing the great blue vault, and the hunters set out quickly, leaving behind those who were not joining the hunt.
I stared up at an eagle sliding across the sky's blue vault.
But the blue vault looked empty, and he chided himself for his own foolishness.
Cooking fires were lit under the flawless blue vault of sky.
There was no cloud in the aching blue vault of the sky to cast such a shadow.
At the moment she is staring up at the blue vault, drifting.