Above every second planet was an orbiting Voyager, a glinting image against the white and blue swirl of clouds over ocean.
Carrying out the theme of primary colors, paper covered with red, blue and yellow swirls and splotches will adorn the centerpieces.
On the boulder was daubed, in rough vegetable colors, a crimson eye surrounded by blue swirls.
The AT&T globe, with its steel blue swirl and whiff of worldliness, will live on.
How she had cherished the title engraved with a dark blue swirl on Crane's best cream-colored notepaper!
The orange swirl could be warm water, that made sense-though, what the blue swirls crossing it were he couldn't tell.
By nowSennet had completely submerged, with just a frothy blue swirl where the sub had been just moments before.
The blue swirls and markings are just visible on his black skin, but they seem to add to the strength of his face.
Up close and personal, a blue swirl of cigar smoke looked like blue fog.
The three youths took off in a blue swirl, leaving their jug behind.