The floor was covered with yellow, blue and white streamers.
There was a Jeep festooned with red, white and blue streamers, but I pretended it was the actual vehicle.
Hapless steers, beribboned with blue streamers, were penned not far from the Witness Stones, awaiting their fate.
Irritably, he rolled onto his belly, a thin blue streamer rising from his pipe.
In his left hand he held the small stone-weighted slab of wood with its blue streamer.
The flame darted out in a thin blue streamer.
The couple continued their birthday celebration throughout the day, flying on a campaign plane strewn with blue, red and yellow streamers, party hats and noisemakers.
The whole affair was garlanded with red, yellow, and blue streamers.
The entwined red and white and blue streamers flowed in the breeze from the air conditioner.
Second graders develop a "United We Stand" display, with a photograph of each child on top of a heart with red, white and blue streamers.