Deliberately, he lifts his foot and smashes it down onto the obscene blue speck.
Had there been just a twinkle of blue and green specks?
All around the equator, a new necklace of dazzling blue specks was expanding away from the Earth's surface.
The blue speck moved outward, skirting the northern tip of the island at a distance of ten miles.
You must make sure science is the surviving party, or your little blue speck will be lost... Edelstein spoke.
You must make sure science is the surviving party, or your little blue speck will be lost... What should we do?
Within minutes, except for the little blue specks dotting no-man's land, all was as it had been before.
A tiny blue speck showed the longboat, flying toward a mass of over thirty much larger dots.
The blue speck drew within one hundred thousand kilometers of the enemy., "Telemetry!
Wherever we go in this amazing universe, she said softly, both now and in the future, that blue speck will always be our home.