In this dreamy story, Hurd takes young readers on a fanciful "bedtime drive" that relies more on a drowsy blue palette than on the slapstick fun common to his other titles.
These artists both painted nocturnes, but they are dominated by a blue palette, clearly derived from the colored shadows of Impressionism.
The color structure of the landscape Winter (1907), painted in the Poltava region, was designed in blue and white palette with flashes of pink with elaborate decorative.
In addition, the overall muted blue palette creates a general tone of melancholy and accentuates a tragic and sorrowful theme.
The translucent glass and the blue palette suggest a grotto.
The further landscape features are painted with a green and blue palette which expresses the dimming caused by distance.
The one is airy, the other juicy, but they share a pink and blue palette and an acute reverence for the humble miracle of ordinary things.
She replaced a largely blue palette with a largely red one, including new carpet, bar stools and chairs.
His vision was left restricted to a mainly blue colour range, so he used a predominantly blue palette in his later works, such as Water Lilies.
The color worked in with the gray and blue palettes throughout the building, Mr. Schwagerl said.