The central court is 14 metres square with an Ionic peristyle in blue limestone.
On the other hand, dark-brown and blue limestone is laid in the upper part of Zounuz's dam.
The statehouse was built of blue limestone, two stories high.
The fireproof building consists of native blue limestone with a red tile roof.
The temple was constructed of blue limestone with an entrance opening facing east and a sideways bearing of 78 30'.
It is a two story, nine bay structure constructed of locally quarried blue limestone.
The original owner, Campbell, used blue limestone from the quarry to build the house.
As the Glenanniff river travels down from the mountains above, it has eroded the local blue limestone to form a deep river valley.
Both sections are built of local blue limestone and feature gabled roofs.
The bare hills behind Agadir in the west are built of blue limestones so hard that they ring under the fossil-hunter's hammer.