The area is popular for hunting of deer, elk, and blue grouse, but otherwise appears to receive little recreational use.
In many areas, Douglas fir needles are a staple in the spring diet of blue grouse (Dendragapus).
Non-threatened species include bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, blue grouse, golden eagles, and red-tailed hawks.
The real white-browed robin and blue grouse are a world apart from orchestra instruments or tempered tuning systems.
Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep can be found throughout the year in the area, as well as blue grouse, sage grouse, and chukar.
Other fossils include amphibians, and rare finds of the mountain beaver, and the blue grouse.
I borrowed his bow and got a blue grouse.
Important game birds are ruffed grouse and blue grouse.
Other wildlife in the Wilderness include blue and ruffed grouse.
The wood is too hard and brittle to be of much use, but blue grouse are known to feed on the needles.