The captain himself wore a somewhat weathered blue doublet.
I saw that my Master had adorned himself in a thick tunic and beautiful dark blue doublet which I'd hardly noticed before.
He fumbles into his blue hose and laces up his blue doublet.
The saint himself is in a blue doublet and hose of the painter's day.
They were surrounded once again by blue doublets and bronze masks, but Locke squinted against the light and felt more ashamed than afraid.
Garion wore a blue doublet and hose and soft leather shoes.
"You'll need your crown, of course -and I think the blue and silver doublet would be nice."
He crossed to the heavy wardrobe where he kept his clothes, selected one of his customary blue doublets, and began to dress.
I dressed slowly in the blue doublet and the white shirt, finishing it with the Buck-blue leggings.
Kalten straightened up in his chair and jerked down his blue doublet.