Mixed in with the glue is this substance shown in the blue container.
It was deserted, except for some big blue biohaz-ard containers and a bloody gurney sitting by itself.
"They wrote that they remembered how much fun I had with the old can," Andy said, holding up the blue container.
Those jars -" she pointed to the blue containers - "contain the same aloe-and- oil mixture we make at home.
She had a long blue container, too, that had milk in it, and a small red cup for a cap.
The blue container of Monster Blood caught his eye.
On the designated pickup day, the superintendent will have to move the blue containers to the curb.
A row of tiny candles burned on either side, set in deep, dark blue containers and almost invisible - moving only faintly like the wind itself.
She handed over a blue container of salt.
Evan saw the blue container of Monster Blood in her hand.