Out from under the blue beret came much long grey hair, uncombed.
Soldiers in this unit often wear a combination cap instead of the standard blue beret.
Therefore, probably there will be needed a "green team" to enforce environmental behavior, like today, the peacekeeping forces (blue berets).
The basic Gascon in his blue beret would not be surprised.
UN is to vote on sending in up to 7,000 armed blue berets.
He was the man in the blue beret with a long memory.
The guard in the blue beret spoke to them, and they hastily got out of the way to make room for the next arrivals.
Dark blue berets are also worn by other Police special units such as pyrotechnics.
Certain police personnel also wear a blue or black beret.
A big, blond man wearing a uniform and a blue beret approached, hands raised.