The wind was in his face, blowing spray and wavelets up his nose.
She was sprinkling water onto her flowers by blowing spray from her mouth.
The wind blew spray at him now and again, but he was mostly dry.
A black mass blowing spray rushed towards him; lights blazed high above.
The wind gusted sharply, blowing spray in their faces, chilling their skin.
If she looks cut and sees the wind blowing spray off the top of the breaking waves, then she can feel the breeze against her face.
The wind lashed him immediately, tugging at his clothing and blowing spray into his face.
I finally found a streak of black in the whitecaps and blowing spray.
An icy wind was whipping in from the River, blowing spray.
The wind was blowing salty spray across our faces when we turned and began the walk back to the house.