Blowing outwards may also help the ejected air get farther away from the house, so it cannot become the same air that is sucked back in through the other half of your window on very still nights.
The hangar door blew outwards and six of the French Special Forces raced forward, firing M-60 grenade launchers aimed at each of the three aircraft inside, two of them fuelled at the completion of their service.
Then still unsatisfied, its fiery unabated, it blew outwards from Blitcher's shattered hulk, a mighty wind that tore the branches from the mangrove forest and stripped it of leaves.
The figures must have sensed it, because the man was already leaping aside when there was a click and the whole door and its surrounding frame blew outwards in a cloud of splinters.
However, the wind was strong and blew outwards.
Always they pointed away from the sun, as if driven starwards by a great wind blowing forever outwards from the heart of the solar system.
-The Colonel put the pipe stem to his lips, blew sharply outwards to unclog it.
It blew outwards with greater force than if it had been blasted with Dynagel.
And then the whole building, the galleries and the walls and the dome, blowing outwards like a drum, bellowing, radiant with apocalyptic fire.
Because of the very high temperature I was talking about, the outer parts of the atmosphere will tend to blow outwards.