Zharov blew froth from his jaws and stepped woodenly back until he met the side of the caravan, then toppled over sideways.
The big vehicles blew pink froth in all directions.
They clattered through the outskirts of the village, their horses blowing froth from the last frenzied gallop.
They have ar- rived less than an hour gone, cursing and dirty and with their horses blowing froth.
The Dicantrop blew froth from his breath-holes but it seemed to Root as if his eyes had glanced momentarily toward the pyramid.
His mount blew froth from its nostrils and shook its head.
The wretch screamed through a ruin of splintered teeth, blowing bloody froth from his mangled lips.
Tugged forward by Liand, the pinto came to Stave's side and halted, blowing froth and trepidation from its nostrils.
The Ranyhyn panted with exertion, blowing froth from their nostrils.