The wind still blew fiercely from the southwest.
At the moment, it didn't seem to be snowing, but the wind was clearly blowing fiercely.
Curtains blew fiercely in the draft caused by an opened window.
I was mounted on a magnificent horse, but the snow was deep and the wind blew fiercely.
Fiercely blowing sand became a hazard to them all.
Wind blew fiercely from out of the rocks, and there was no sound save its mournful howl.
He pulled a silver whistle from his pocket and blew fiercely on it.
Towards daybreak, we came among the snow, where a keen wind was blowing fiercely.
But while the winds were blowing fiercely, they were also steady.
He blew fiercely through his nostrils and pawed with one hoof at the ground.