Her face was a blotchy red in the torchlight.
I am still blotchy red from the sun, but Douglas is already very tan.
Her complexion was blotchy red in some places, almost blue in others.
His face was blotchy red.
Salyer stumbled away hiding his face, which beneath his hand was blotchy red.
Anjahar's complexion thickened to a blotchy red.
Next to him, a white-haired man with a blotchy red, dry-as-parchment face was downing Tom Collinses, glancing up at the TV.
The princess's head was bent, and what Sera could see of her face was a mottled, blotchy red.
The bright, blotchy red of the poison ivy glowed, even in the dimness of the firelight.
Her mother gaped unattractively, turning a blotchy red to match her gown.