Total RNA was prepared for northern blot analysis.
Transgenic mice were genotyped by PCR and/or Southern blot analysis as described.
Mutations in Oa1 have been well characterized and studied using various techniques like southern blot analyses, single-strand conformation polymorphism and sequence analysis.
Subsequent northern blot analysis revealed that Dock9 is expressed primarily in the brain, heart, skeletal muscle, kidney, placenta and lung.
The membranes were then processed for northern blot analysis as described above.
We confirmed expressions of candidate genes in ECs by northern and western blot analyses.
However, northern blot analysis of this 477 bp sequence yielded no results.
Ten micrograms of total RNA were used for northern blot analysis.
Northern blot hybridizations To confirm the microarray results, we examined six genes by northern blot analysis.
Induction of gene expression and northern blot analysis of rec12 +mRNA levels were as described [ 32 57 ] .