Her grim expression relaxed, and a teasing, grandmotherly humor blossomed forth, something they had never seen before.
For O'Keeffe all experience was a cycle of blossoming forth and withering away.
In another family he would certainly have been encouraged and would have blossomed forth as an infant prodigy.
But Atkill suddenly blossomed forth with a projected magnetic oscillation that passed Warren's screen because it was not radiation.
In 1934 Intramural games were organised and so enthusiastically did the students participate in these events that from among them blossomed forth outstanding sportspersons.
The exterior light illuminated a portion of the long brick wall on which in springtime prize-winning roses blossomed forth in all their glorious color.
"After Daddy died, Mother blossomed forth, and she became more herself," Mr. Carter said.
He pressed a button and a vivid, writhing, three dimensional computer graphic blossomed forth.
At the bottom of the firm belly a tiny trace of charcoal black blossomed forth into a slick black moss.
If the Federals suddenly blossomed forth with repeaters of their own, the situation would return to what it had been before the men from out of time arrived.