The winter rest period is vital to their bloom season.
When next spring comes and the bloom season begins, the plant survival tale will be told.
Deadheading is another way to extend the bloom season.
Several new ones are making their debut and if length of bloom season is any criterion, they're winners.
The bloom season seems to go on for several weeks in the summer, showing off bright little yellow daisies.
The bloom season can be prolonged by staggering potting, preparing and planting every week or so.
The flowers are "refrigerated" in place, and there even seems to be one advantage: their bloom season lasts longer.
The flowers are tight lavender globes, and the bloom season is long: up to a month in early spring.
The best part is the length of bloom season: up to six weeks.
And if selections are made carefully, the bloom season can be extended for several weeks.
The winter rest period is vital to their bloom season.
When next spring comes and the bloom season begins, the plant survival tale will be told.
Deadheading is another way to extend the bloom season.
Several new ones are making their debut and if length of bloom season is any criterion, they're winners.
The bloom season seems to go on for several weeks in the summer, showing off bright little yellow daisies.
The bloom season can be prolonged by staggering potting, preparing and planting every week or so.
The flowers are "refrigerated" in place, and there even seems to be one advantage: their bloom season lasts longer.
The flowers are tight lavender globes, and the bloom season is long: up to a month in early spring.
The best part is the length of bloom season: up to six weeks.
And if selections are made carefully, the bloom season can be extended for several weeks.