Their first line broke upon us in a bloody wave and went down, and those behind passed over the corpses of those that had fallen.
An even bloodier wave of pogroms broke out from 1903-1906.
'There's a bloody tidal wave starting.'
When a bloody wave washes up on the beach, Tinilau calls a meeting of all the avenging gods of Savaii.
In the same day's paper was a dispatch from Haiti saying that 50 or more bodies were turning up in the country's capital every month, victims of a bloody wave of terror.
An even bloodier wave of pogroms broke out in 1903-1906, leaving an estimated 2,000 Jews dead, and many more wounded.
Pain so sharp that it rode her whole body, in one blinding bloody wave.
At the same time, Vincent, with Michael's tacit blessing, wipes out Lucchesi, Gilday and Keinszig in a bloody wave of murders.
Besides, that bloody and incomprehensible wave of sabotage has shaken my position as Administrator even more, for the government has not succeeded in capturing even a single saboteur.