Many died in bloody warfare.
After two years of bloody warfare, the Minbari came within striking distance of Earth's solar system.
Five years of bloody warfare and neither side, as yet, could claim they were close to victory.
Kemal could hardly say that the bloody warfare of the old world was much of an improvement over this.
In 1648, after three decades of bloody warfare and three years of negotiation, two such documents were signed in northwest Germany.
Wellington was never seriously wounded despite being in the thick of extremely bloody warfare.
Four years of bloody warfare had come to a conclusion.
Brahimi, diplomats assure me, is not really a pacifist; Algerians did not drive out the French without bloody warfare.
The killings triggered three years of renewed bloody warfare (783-785).
Men from sixty years of age, down to boys of fourteen, (few of whom dared to stay at home) were engaged in active and bloody warfare.