The war essentially became a bloody stalemate for the next two years.
The war then became a bloody stalemate for the next two and a half years while peace negotiations dragged on.
The war itself had turned into one long, bloody stalemate in which neither side could gain any lasting advantage over the other.
The fighting turned into a bloody stalemate as darkness fell and strong thunderstorms began to move in.
The war lasted for five months as a bloody stalemate.
If they are unable to take the major cities, many Western experts say, the war could settle into a bloody stalemate, lasting years.
As a result, the war degenerated into a bloody stalemate and the chaos of a failed state.
Elsewhere, the Gallipoli campaign had developed into a bloody stalemate.
Thus began a bloody stalemate that cost two million lives and turned one of every three Afghans into refugees.
The next two months saw bloody stalemate, with the Allies gaining little ground.