The cover featured a bloody skull.
The green faces inside the face were replaced by one large fleshy, bloody skull with human-like eyeballs.
A plate of human flesh and a bloody skull are set in front of her.
A bloody hammer and chisel wouldn't get it through their bloody thick skulls.
There was a fat dead woman in the road, rope-like blonde braids spread away from her head, face a bloody skull.
After passing a haniwa statute at the midway point, lightning strikes, the faces melt into bloody skulls, and the world becomes a hell environment.
"Look at that bloody skull," he said.
Captain Iverson pointed to the bloody skull that glistened in the brilliant glow from the spotlights focused on the bodies.
With his purple-tinted fingers, he drew the flap of skin to the right, exposing the bloody skull below.
You're out of your bloody skull, man!