It was one sharp puncture and one long, bloody scrape.
The bloody scrapes on my hands looked a lot worse than they were, I hoped.
The side of his neck was scored with abrasions and a bloody scrape colored his jaw, but he was alive.
Six stitches to close a cut in his eyebrow, a bloody scrape on his swollen cheekbone.
One side of my face was a bloody mask, the clean parts had bloody scrapes.
I looked at the bloody scrapes and made a face.
He tried to rub his arms, but the bloody scrapes hurt.
Turning up the left sleeve of his shirt, he pulled a small bandage off his elbow, revealing a bloody scrape.
On the one hand, Horkai said that water polo players have engaged in their fair share of nonpolitical and bloody scrapes.
Despite bloody scrapes and gashes on his face, Rabban appeared defiant.