The bloody pogroms of Bohdan Khmelnytsky had wiped out one third of the Jewish population and destroyed many centers of Jewish learning and communal life.
And with the implicit encouragement of the local authorities and police - who did nothing to stop the carnage - they attacked the Kasai in a bloody pogrom.
In May 1922 Collins told Tobin "We'll kill a member of that bunch" to the news of "bloody pogroms" in Belfast.
The Jews of Libya had already suffered severely during World War II and shortly after it ended, when the bloody pogrom in Tripoli claimed many Jewish lives three years earlier.
On several occasions I had an opportunity to watch from a peephole in an attic the robberies and bloody pogroms and killings carried out by the Makhno hooligans.
In 1910, the Jews of Smolensk were victims of a bloody pogrom; in city there were rabble-rousing conditions.
In Heidelberg the police were tardy in their response, but two professors and their students took the law into their hands and prevented a bloody pogrom.
He'd done just that, wiped away the Legislaturalists in a thunderbolt of precision-guided bombs and colder, bloodier pogroms.
The bloody pogroms going on all across Europe started about eight years ago, in 1880.
If Triss is not rescued...a bloody pogrom of magic users occurs in Loc Muinne and throughout the Northern Kingdoms.