Craig backed away from the bloody patch of carpet where he had been lying, never taking his eyes from the approaching figures.
In a minute it covered the cavity in his belly and the bloody patch on his head.
Its tip uncurled, leaving a bloody patch above the soldier's heavy sandal.
He narrowed his eyes and brushed something off the tip of one antler-a bloody patch of white, furry hide.
The cop flapped his arms to demonstrate, and Johnny saw that the bloody patches under his anns had spread.
They had fought all day on this bloody patch of mud.
She had become part of his dream, and now it had been snuffed out on this wild and bloody patch of earth.
The weight of the heavy rifle slung on Renner's back was some comfort when they went past a bloody patch of snow strewn with bones.
Bare, bloody patches marked the scalp.
He patted Alexandre's head, careful where his fingers went, cold with gooseflesh at the thought of touching that raw, bloody patch by inadvertence.