It was a bloody engagement, and a disastrous one.
After a short but bloody engagement the two marshals were beaten, their troops destroyed, and the march on Paris was resumed.
We won that great bloody engagement on the night Uther died, and I met the thing again in a different form and it knew me.
The following year the regiment took part in another bloody engagement, the Battle of Landen.
A short but bloody engagement was fought resulting in the capture of the two conservative ships and over thirty casualties on both sides.
This battle was one of the bloodiest engagements of its time.
It had been the bloodiest and largest all-cavalry engagement of the war.
After a final day-long bloody engagement on the 5th, Filipino forces withdrew to the north.
The two sides met shortly after dawn, and what fell out was a grim, interminably long, bloody engagement of the most basic kind.
It was the bloodiest and largest all-cavalry engagement during the war.