That bloody chapter came to an end when the government of the day sent in the army and put the poachers out of business.
Like other dictators who wrote bloody chapters in 20th-century history, Mr. Hussein was primed for violence by early childhood.
When a civilian government took office here in 1986 after three decades of almost uninterrupted military rule, it appeared to close a bloody chapter in Guatemala's history.
Past historians have squeamishly discounted these bloody chapters of the Revolution.
The emergence of the Ghost Shadows signified a bloody new chapter in Chinatown history.
At the end of this bloody chapter, it was not the Personal Liberty Laws that were changed but the constitution itself.
Books have been written and will continue to be written on this black, bloody chapter in Utah's past.
Now he was gone-now a brief era was ended, a valiant, bloody chapter written and finished.
It was also the hardest that Jerusalem had been hit since the start of this bloody chapter in the long Israeli-Palestinian ordeal.
The decisions taken in Copenhagen closed one of the darkest and bloodiest chapters in the history of Europe.