But it's going to be a pretty bloody affair before the dust settles.
"If the Munchkinlanders started rallying around her, reunification might be a more bloody affair than we all hope."
Mr. Howard has not yet emerged with increased political credit from this bloody affair.
"But what have we got to do with the whole bloody affair?"
Though also using blunted weapons, most of these fights were quite bloody affairs with some ending in deaths.
I don't know whether he was involved in any kind of bloody affairs.
The conflict was often a bloody affair, involving 40,000 British troops over 4 years.
Getting in- formation out of the Yakuza chief, if possible at all, would be a long, drawn-out and bloody affair.
Politics is traditionally a robust, bloody affair among the Scottish people.
Then, Jack, it would be just another religious war, and those are bloody affairs, too, you may recall.