It was best that this should remain a bloodless battle until the police arrived, which they would shortly, and took over the scene.
The bloodless battle of Actium-ten enemy ships engaged out of four hundred, and only two of them fired until they sank.
Practice was bloodless battle, and battle was bloody drill.
Our quick ouster of Saddam Hussein created an unrealistic expectation of a bloodless battle.
No bodies lay on the cold stones - any pierced by sword-blade in that bloodless battle merely vanished as if they had never been.
It was a bitter, bloodless battle in which the Etlans learned the truth about what was happening on their Plague Planet.
Their drills are like bloodless battles.
The battle of Nykarleby was to become a relatively bloodless battle.
But before we get too excited about the prospect of bloodless battle between androids, look at the price tag.
I'll make a little speech, and on account of the bloodless battle this morning, this stream will be rechristened Sheriff's Creek.