All that remained to identify the sons were then- blood-soaked clothes, jewelry, and skeletons.
The doctors had cut off his old blood-soaked clothes, dumping everything that had been in his pockets into a plastic bin.
Whoever killed Stucke had either carried off his blood-soaked clothes, or had left them behind at the scene of the crime.
In searching the house Wednesday, deputies said, they found a bloody chain, a baseball bat with hair on it and blood-soaked clothes and shoes.
A manhunt took place, and some of her blood-soaked clothes were found in a wooded area on the weekend of September 20.
He got up slowly, dirt clinging to his blood-soaked clothes.
Returning to the dead body, Maddox searched the blood-soaked clothes a third time, feeling for a rectangular lump.
He couldn't bear to wear his blood-soaked clothes.
His sister collected the blood-soaked clothes of Mihdí and other relics.
She wished, suddenly, that her underwear had not been discarded at the hospital along with the rest of her blood-soaked clothes.