The youth blushed and did not breathe a word, but the blood was throbbing wildly at his temples.
The blood throbbed just below the surface, tender, and I had to brace myself not to flinch away from his touch.
In a moment her blood was throbbing across her fur, and she was dying.
The blood in his feet throbbed, pounding painfully, with each step into the deep snow.
The comment jarred Gavin back to reality, though his blood still throbbed hotly.
He stood very still for a long moment while his heart pounded and blood throbbed in his ears.
There was sweat on his forehead; blood throbbed in his ears.
And the blood of her veins in the moonlight throbbed to her Love's refrain.
His face felt hot, and the blood throbbed dully in his ears.
He hesitated, then stretched out his hand and felt the side of her neck where the blood throbbed under her skin.