I felt my heart rate slow, my blood chemistries come into balance.
However, his blood chemistries were quite abnormal: the sodium in his blood was dangerously low.
The lumbar puncture was normal, as were the blood chemistries and EEG.
But they had a job to do: manage his blood chemistries and other health problems, then move on to the next patient.
Lauren flipped the file open and thumbed to the page of blood chemistries and hematology results.
Arterial blood gas and blood chemistries may show metabolic acidosis.
General or routine chemistry - commonly ordered blood chemistries (e.g., liver and kidney function tests).
It should be remembered that clinically significant changes in blood chemistries can occur with excessive use of enemas of any kind.
A complete blood cell count, appropriate blood chemistries, chest x-ray, and an electrocardiogram can be performed.
The high-fat diet produced blood chemistries associated with a lower risk of heart disease.