His blond brows flew together in a terrible frown.
A faint line appeared between winged blond brows and I realized she didn't understand the compliment.
'Maybe this new guy will finally stop it,' said Tony suddenly, lifting blond brows.
The sketchy blond brows shot upward, and he smiled, showing small white even teeth.
Clearly startled to see her, his blond brows shot up on his forehead.
Sebastian, gazing from under thick blond brows, pulled his dark shapes closer.
Jerry nodded once, paused, then raised his shaggy blond brows in inquiry.
Drops of sweat glistened in the heavy blond brows.
One thick blond brow flicked up, but he seemed in no great hurry, whatever he was about.
They looked down their noses at him because he made his living by his own wits and not from the sweat of blond brows.