Similarly, why try to eke blockbuster sales out of every album?
Stockholders in the world's pharmaceutical companies have come to expect blockbuster sales, so the companies have been forced to churn out blockbuster remedies faster than before.
Musicians who finance their own recordings and distribute them through the Internet could receive more for an album, making a profit without blockbuster sales.
The crowded auction schedule coincides once again with the blockbuster sales of major Impressionist and modern artworks that attract thousands of bidders and spectators.
The book has received ecstatic reviews, which have yet to translate into blockbuster sales.
A book has to promise blockbuster sales or they won't publish it as anything but a tax drop.
He contends that the company's newer drugs for migraine headaches, asthma and nausea cannot match Zantac's blockbuster sales.
For example, three blockbuster sales to Japanese buyers were of paintings by everybody's favorite artist-as-suffering-genius, Vincent van Gogh.
The industry needs the hope of potential blockbuster sales to cover costs and get investors interested in financing the drugs, he contends.
But with pharmaceutical companies counting on instant blockbuster sales of their new drugs, executives found the university system too slow.