The blocks might have weighed fifty tons each.
Each block weighs 2 to 3 tons.
Cast in the shape of a peck, each block weighs just over one pound.
Yosef told him the cutters had to make a careful estimate of just how much each block of stone weighed.
"The blocks they used to build that with weigh 105 pounds each," he said.
A single block weighs about as much as a dinner roll.
The individual blocks of sandstone weigh 600-700 kg each and are joined by lime mortar.
"Those blocks must weigh many tons each," Royan pointed out.
"We tongue-and-groove them so they lock into position," he said, noting that an individual block can weigh up to 350 pounds.
The block weighed well over a hundred pounds, but nothing beyond its mass bound it into place from this side now that they'd dug the bank away.