The courts have blocked Mr. Posada's extradition to Cuba or Venezuela, ruling that he could be subject to torture there.
After 10 years of fighting extradition Gary McKinnon finally was able to block his extradition to America on October 16, 2012.
A prominent supporter of the ruling Labour party, he was initially shielded by authorities, who blocked his extradition.
A black man facing murder charges in Mississippi lost his yearlong battle to remain free when New York's top court refused this week to block his extradition.
But so far, close ties to high Government officials in Pakistan have blocked his extradition.
His parents hoped that if Alex was freed, he would testify in the effort to block Alfredo's extradition in San Diego.
An immigration judge has blocked Mr. Posada's extradition to Cuba or Venezuela, ruling that he could be subject to torture in those countries.
Mr. Axelrod then sought to block his extradition, derailing a planned October arraignment.
A curious situation arose, in which the C.I.C. single-handedly blocked Barbie's extradition by professing not to know where he was.
Mr Straw said he was "minded" to block Gen Pinochet's extradition after a team of medical experts reported a deterioration in his condition.