However, the no doubt blistering response I saw myself forming was forestalled by a fluid series of sounds which gave me pause.
Similarly, France and the United Kingdom have warned of severe consequences for the use of chemical weapons, with France in particular promising a "massive and blistering" response.
Marxists the world over were enraged and the Scottish Communist Hugh MacDiarmid wrote a blistering response entitled The Battle Continues.
He jerked his head away from the hand-held unit when the speaker on the other end unleashed a blistering response to Brophy's professed ignorance.
The King personally attended the festivities; he gave a speech that received a blistering response by Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba.
The bond offering, and the repeated threat of legal action, drew a blistering response from the Pataki administration.
Congressional champions of patients' rights sent a blistering response today to President Bush's latest proposal on the issue, but invited the president to enter high-stakes negotiations to achieve a legislative compromise.
Today's decision, which proposes a 116 percent tariff and requires importers to start posting bonds for this amount immediately, drew a blistering response from the republics' American lawyer in the case.
Kirk anticipated a blistering response.
Among the blistering responses: the Edsel.