He took a sip, and his eyes went suddenly closed, while a blissful expression played across his face.
She stood by the boat ramp, in the sunlight, a blissful expression on her face.
Retro gulped it all, and passed out with a blissful expression on his face.
Ten minutes later she sat back with a blissful expression on her face.
A blissful expression weighed down her eyelids and mouth.
Children wearing blissful expressions hold fast to the handles.
This lizard, a blissful expression on its face, apparently had the advantage of the only breeze in the room.
Pushram, however, screwed up his face into a blissful expression.
He bit off the corner and chewed on it slowly with a blissful expression.
The man stuck the butt into his mouth and walked away with a blissful expression.