Barth blinked angrily.
I went to pack my bags ... he followed me into the bedroom..." Her eyes became bright with tears, and she blinked angrily.
The hermit blinked angrily at him for a moment.
The phone on Lloyd's desk began to blink angrily, and McFarlane reached for it with a sigh.
Her eyes filled with moisture and she angrily blinked them dry.
Her eyes blinked open angrily, and she forced herself to remember.
He felt his eyes filling with tears and blinked angrily.
Heng Chi-Po blinked angrily, then leaned back again.
She blinked angrily, shook three out and choked them down dry, then eyed the bottle du- biously before she stowed it away again.
The Bajoran blinked angrily at them and reached for the disruptor in his holster.